Life hits you smack in the face.
Think you’re going to have some time for yourself? Think again!
Think you’re going to have time to contemplate and work on your blog? Think again!
But in all this chaos is life.
This is it.
No reruns.
No glorious afterlife.
This is it.
This is what you have to work with. You cannot stick your head in the sand and wait for things to become better.
“When the kids are older, I’ll have more time for myself!” Maybe you will, but that doesn’t matter now. This is now. You have to make it work now.
So how do you do just that? How do you survive those hectic years of school, work and after school activities? At the same time as your kids are going through the most difficult part of their life – adolescence. At the same time as your parents are becoming old and fragile, and all of a sudden the roles are flipped, and you have to take care of them.
You just have to roll with it. Don’t fight the current. You’ll just get tired and weary to no good.
Be present in the moment. Be present in your life. Accept that there’s precious little time for you, but take what you can get.
For me, that’s getting up in the morning before the kids wake up and have to get ready for school. I meditate. I journal. I read. I write. That hour is just for me. I take a short morning walk with my husband. It’s a great way to get to talk to one another. Just us, no one else that can interrupt.
The rest of the day is all for the family, but the morning is for me.
Find that time just for you. Make it a priority in your life. That hour just for you can determine where you are a year from now.
“We overestimate what we can do in a week, but we underestimate what we can accomplish in a year.”
Tim Ferriss
No reruns.
No afterlife.
This is it.
Go make a difference!
Photo by Dan Roizer on Unsplash
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